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刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年 索书号
1 Acta physiologica Scandinavica. 0001-6772 Blackwell Scientific Publications. Q4/532-1
2 Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. 0736-5829 National Research Council ., 199?- G804.3/712-1
3 American journal of physiology. 0002-9513 American Physiological Society [etc.] Q4/712-3
4 Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism. 1715-5312 NRC research press. 1975. G804.2/711-1
5 Applied Physiology,Nutrition,and Metabolism ? Canada, ?-. Q4/711-1
6 Athletic insight Journal. 1947-6299 Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2009- G8/712-5
7 Athletic journal. 0004-6655 Athletic Journal Pub. Co. 1921- G80/712-1
8 The American Journal of Sports Medicine 人大复印资料 USA, ?-. G804.5/712-2
9 The American psychologist 0003-066X American Psychological Association. B84/712-2